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Welcome to Eternity 107 by RDII // I'm Across the Pond, but Still Writing!

Hola, Bonjour, Aloha, or whatever fits your fancy.

Welcome, all back to Welcome to Eternity by RDII, a bi-weekly, monthly, weekly newsletter? I'm not too entirely sure myself at this point. I know the loyal followers have probably been wondering, where's Robby been? Well, I've moved across the pond... in Paris, that is.

I sincerely apologize for any delay in the newsletter, but due to the moving, the adjusting, and some schooling, I've finally had the time to sit down and prep one of these bloody things. Alright, enough "spaffery," here's the news!


The News:

If you didn't know, I'm an author. I've got a few books on the stands. Some of you may know this. Anyway, my most recent novel, The Streets Ran Red, has been released, and the short few who've picked it up, thank you! You're very much loved and appreciated. If you'd like to join in on this, or perchance learn more about this lovely horror tale, head on over to the book page here!

If you'd rather not click on the link, here's the video trailer as well!

If you'd like to check out my other prose works, visit their respective book pages on this site for more! Anthology & Blackjack - 22: Modern Poetry are both works that propelled my writing career in such a short while, and I'm happy to have shared them with you.

Thank you for the continued support and love. Now, let's get on with the show!

In other news, remember that digital-first "Tales of Your Destruction" I mentioned a little while back? The one comic featuring the talent of Jeff Hutchison? If you do, Bravo. For some, this may be the first time you hear about this. Anyway, the news is, after a brief hiatus, we've finally finished our first issue and will be submitting it to Comixology this week! I'll keep giving updates in the newsletter. In the meantime, here's a preview of our cover!

Next up, it's finally here! Yes, like, actually here! #AdamandEternity's finale (Issue Four) has been officially completed, sent to the printers, and will be available to all pre-order customers and future patrons. For those who weren't able to pre-order and would like to grab a copy, you'll have a couple of options:

  1. If you live near SoCal and love to support #LocalComicShops, head on over to Nuclear Comics (24741 Alicia Pkwy #J, Laguna Hills, CA 92653) for a hard copy of your new favorite indie hit!

  2. If you don't happen to live in California or enjoy the comfort of your own home, visit this link > < and enjoy the clicking of mouses and manual data entries.

Anyway, I've spoiled a few pages, snippets, and all that other nonsense over the past couple of months, but I'll never get tired of admiring the wonderful work of Dom and Jake. If you've checked out my Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, I'm sure you've seen them... But guess what? Here they are again for your viewing pleasure.

Do you see this!? It's amazing. Dom & Jake have worked their butts off bringing this dream to life, and I'm eternally grateful to have worked with these spectacular lads. In short final words, I sincerely thank you all who've supported our little project. Without you, this wouldn't have been possible, and I can't wait for you to join us in Eternity. Cheers.


Book Club?

I've been reading, yes. Have I been reading a lot? No. But guess what? I still have a few books to mention in this section of the letter.

  1. From Hell by Alan Moore & Eddie Campbell // Can any more be said about this turn-of-the-century masterpiece? I want to think I could add onto the many quotes tagged along the back of this collected edition, but my words are meaningless in terms of the "big reviewers." Instead, I'll give you an honest opinion on the book. If you don't mind being unsettled at every page turn by vicious, brilliantly hypothesized fiction, then this is the book for you. This is a legitimate "thing" from hell, and by god, does Moore & Campbell deliver a frightening tale of mystery, deduction, and

  2. Starman by James Robinson & Tony Harris // This is how a "superhero" comic should be. Jack Knight's tale of becoming Starman is a heartfelt, wonderous, and dangerous journey into the epic history of Opal City and its protector. If you get the chance to read a copy, I know you won't be disappointed by the journey of both its characters and its creative team.

  3. Lucifer: The Devil at Heart by Dan Watters, Brian Level, Max Fiumara, Sebastian Fiumara, Dee Cunniffe, Dave McCaig, & Tiffany Turrill // The greatest ploy the devils ever played. A quiet masterpiece in my book. Please read it.

  4. The Other History of the DCU by John Ridley & Giuseppe Cammuncoli // I can't say enough good material about this series. From its honest approach to the inherent silence of racial characters within the DCU to the sheer expression of its writer, artist, and characters. If you're not reading this title, I sincerely hope you pick it up. It's literature, wrapped in a comic, and one that will shake you to your core.

So that wraps up this week's newsletter! It's been fun getting back to it, and I'll see you all soon! Till then, treat yourself with kindness, love, and respect. Sleep in that bit longer if you can, drink some warm coffee, sit with the ones you love, and never stop reading.



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